
Showing posts from November, 2022

smoke alarm testing

Smoke Alarms - TEST IT TUESDAY According to government statistics, in England between June 2020 and June 2021 the Fire and Rescue Service attended 149,779 house fires in England; of these, there were 249 fire-related fatalities. Smoke alarms are essential in keeping you safe by alerting you in the event of a fire. There should be a minimum of one smoke alarm per floor with a heat detector in the kitchen. You should fit enough alarms to cover all areas where a fire could start. Make sure they are tested regularly - ideally every week And are replaced every 10 years or before the date stated on them says whichever comes first!

heater safety this winter - electrician loughborough

⚠️ extra Care needed when using portable heaters this autumn and winter! People are turning to electric heaters as an alternative way to heat rooms up they are in, not the whole house as energy prices go up. However some types of appliances come with a potential fire risk, so there are a few things to ensure: ~ have a working and in date smoke alarms 🚨 ~ make sure heaters are maintained and in good working order ~ Never install, repair or service appliances yourself ~ only use when you are in the room, never overnight when you are asleep ~ keep heaters away from clothes, curtains and furniture ~ check your heater isn't on a recall list if installed, checked and used correctly portable and fixed electric heater can be a great way to not waste unnecessary energy this winter ❄️